- branching-programmed instruction
- команда на ветвлении
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
programmed learning — educational technique characterized by self paced, self administered instruction presented in logical sequence and with much repetition of concepts. Programmed learning received its major impetus from the work done in the mid 1950s by the… … Universalium
Single Branching — VP A programmed instruction format in which all wrong answers are treated in the same way: by branching to a single given segment … Audio and video glossary
Multiple Branching — VP A programmed instruction format in which different responses cause the viwer to be branched to different corresponding segments … Audio and video glossary
pedagogy — /ped euh goh jee, goj ee/, n., pl. pedagogies. 1. the function or work of a teacher; teaching. 2. the art or science of teaching; education; instructional methods. [1575 85; < Gk paidagogía office of a child s tutor. See PEDAGOGUE, Y3] * * *… … Universalium
computer — computerlike, adj. /keuhm pyooh teuhr/, n. 1. Also called processor. an electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations. Cf. analog… … Universalium
PIC microcontroller — PIC microcontrollers in DIP and QFN packages … Wikipedia
Atmel AVR — AVR logo. Atmel AVR ATmega8 in 28 pin DIP . The AVR is a … Wikipedia
Control table — This simple control table directs program flow according to the value of the single input variable. Each table entry holds a possible input value to be tested for equality (implied) and a relevant subroutine to perform in the action column. The… … Wikipedia
Immunity Aware Programming — When writing firmware for an embedded system, immunity aware programming is a set of programming techniques used in an attempt to tolerate transient errors in the program counter or other that would otherwise lead to failure.Immunity aware… … Wikipedia
Harvey Jerome Brudner — Brudner in 2007 Born May 29, 1931(1931 05 29) Brooklyn, New York Died September 15, 2009( … Wikipedia
Parallel computing — Programming paradigms Agent oriented Automata based Component based Flow based Pipelined Concatenative Concurrent computing … Wikipedia